Assessment of the variability of technical coefficients from input-output tables in the Czech Republic during 1995–2010

by Milan KAŠTAN


JEL classification

  • Industry Studies: Manufacturing: General
  • Industry Studies: Primary Products and Construction: General
  • Industry Studies: Services: General


structural analysis, Input-output tables, supply and use tables, System of National Accounts, technical coefficients


The variability in technical coefficients calculated based on the input-output tables published by the Czech Statistical Office for the period 1995 to 2010 is examined in the present paper. The low variability of coefficients is a prerequisite for their applicability in macroeconomic forecasts and analysis. The paper progressively deals with the meaning of technical coefficients, the method of their calculation, and the characteristics of variability. It was found that the variability of coefficients is high and, therefore, that the technical coefficients, with few exceptions, are unsuitable for making predictions.